Contribution: 2022-2025
Funding strategy
Climate – Equity, diversity and inclusion
The McConnell Foundation provided funding to support KOW’s efforts to challenge the government to uphold their Duty to Consult and accommodate Indigenous groups on the drafting and implementation of any Oil Sands Mining Effluent Regulations under the Fisheries Act.
First launched in 2006, Keepers of the Water (KOW) is an Indigenous-led nonprofit working under the guidance of a Board of Directors and an Elders Wisdom Council to protect the water, air, land and all living things within the Arctic Drainage Basin. By emphasizing Indigenous land-based knowledge and culture as part of water governance, their aim is to protect Indigenous people's inherent rights and abilities to live off the land.
“We are water protectors,” says Tori Cress, Communications Manager. “We collaborate with Dene, Cree, Metis, Anishinaabe, Blackfoot and other Nations, as well as settler Canadians. We are starting to build relationships with Inuit as well. Collectively, we are community members who are concerned about the water.”
With McConnell’s support, KOW is conducting communications and outreach to stop the release of treated tar sands tailings, reduce harm to Indigenous way of life and implement Indigenous land rights.
“Indigenous communities are on the front line of climate change because we are so dependent on and tied to the land to hunt, fish and trap,” says Jesse Cardinal, Executive Director. “Right now, we’re in a water crisis, and we’re experiencing these extreme climate change related events such as forest fires and drought.”
“Indigenous teachings talk about water and how to take care of water,” explains Cardinal. “Many creation stories begin with water. The Cree have a creation story that starts with water. The very first part of the Anishinaabe creation story starts with water. It ties to everything we do.”
Thank you to Keepers of the Water for the image from their Tar Sands Healing Walk used on this page and for the other images used in this report.